Help those who keep us safe. Support our Nation's Police Forces
Our cops have been under attack the last several years.
Anti-police politicians are endangering our cops by defunding departments and making it even harder to do their jobs effectively. If we want to make sure there are still cops around to keep our communities safe, it's critical to support leaders who will fight to maintain our cops' benefits and protect their rights.

Cops who have been attacked and forgotten by our politicians

There is a multi-front war being waged on our police forces across the country. Politicians, activist judges, prosecutors, organizations, and a host of other parties are engaged in outright anti-police tactics from defunding entire departments to malicious prosecution of officers.
A two-pronged approach is necessary when addressing this issue. Not only do our politicians have the ability to support legislation for sustained police funding, but they can also drive initiatives to protect our cops' constitutional rights from being attacked and violated.
With your contribution, we will sponsor politicians who are fighting to end this senseless war on the everyday citizens who protect and serve our communities.

You Can Help Support Our Nation's Cops

Why you should contribute
There is a concerted effort by many parties looking to either defund, diminish or disband our police forces altogether. Assaults on police officers are ignored by some officials in our own government, only making people more brazen to go out and harm the people tasked with keeping us safe. Combating antifa, mental health assistance, illegal immigration, red flag laws, among other issues are the main areas of focus for the APOA in fighting back. Every contribution helps in standing side by side with our communities' protectors.

Where your money goes
We are dedicated to supporting ANY lawmakers who will advocate for and stand with our police force. Your contribution helps us move toward creating an alliance of police, citizens, organizations, and public supporters working together to ensure our Nation's finest, and our citizens, have a unified voice in politics that truly represents them. We will fight to ensure that police officers: maintain their benefits and retirement pensions, rights are protected, and ensuring that they have the best local leadership possible.

How we make change happen
The American Police Officers Alliance directly supports the passage of legislation through our contributions to strong leaders who stand by our police officers. That's why we keep a running list of all the legislation we support here. We stay up to date on all proposed laws across the country and at the Federal level so that we can direct our efforts for maximum impact. We also offer a free guide for our viewers to understand how to most effectively contact and speak with their representatives to join us in this fight.

American Police Officers Alliance

The American Police Officers Alliance is a national political action committee (PAC) organized under Section 527 of the IRS Tax Code.
We support the election of strong leaders that will make real, positive changes in our communities and uphold American values through passage of impactful legislation.
Paid for by The American Police Officers Alliance, www.AmericanPoliceOfficersAlliance.com. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Not produced at government expense.

©2021 American Police Officers Alliance Inc. All rights reserved. (855)-935-8464
American Police Officers Alliance, 1655 N. Fort Myer Dr. Suite 700, Arlington VA 22209
By making this contribution you consent to being contacted by the organization telephonically